"Growing our legacy & realizing potential"
In 1987, the third College of Pharmacy (COP) in the state of Florida was inaugurated in North Miami Beach, Florida as Southeastern College of Pharmacy (SECOP). It began as a small Charter Class and visionaries initiating revolutionary ideas in the pharmacy profession. With the support and involvement of many, in the short span of thirty some years, we have reached pioneering milestones.
In 2016, the College established the SharksRx Alumni Society to help support the College through the knowledge, skills, and financial resources needed to invest in the future of pharmacy education. To this end, the Society has set forth its first and most critical goal: To help grow student scholarship opportunities.
The Society is seeking contributions to NSU for an endowed fund called the "SharksRx Alumni Legacy Fund", the earnings of which will be used to award scholarships to students in the Silverman College of Pharmacy in perpetuity.
You may purchase an engraved leaf with your inscription on the Legacy Tree to contribute to the "SharksRx Alumni Legacy Fund" on three levels of giving:
Carla A. Luque, Pharm.D.
Assistant Dean, Student Services
Phone: (954) 262-3995
Fax: (954) 262-2278
Email: copalumni@nova.edu
Mailing Address
NSU's Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy
Health Professions Division
3200 South University Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33328-2018