Pharmaceutical Sciences

VISION. Be nationally and internationally recognized as a productive and innovative team whose excellent research, teaching, and other scholarly work translates into contributions and advancements in education, service, and in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.

MISSION. Provide quality and innovative scholarship in the form of teaching, research, and service in all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences; including drug discovery, clinical, translational, & basic research; pharmacology, drugs & therapeutics, novel pharmaceutical technologies, and medical & regulatory affairs.

VALUES. Create an environment that is supportive, gregarious, respectful and where all members are treated as equals. Also, to treat others as one would want to be treated. Our department values are in alignment with overall NSU values that include academic excellence, student centeredness, integrity, innovation, opportunity, scholarship/research, diversity, and community outreach.

  • Lead and provide higher level education to professional, graduate, and undergraduate students in diverse areas of the pharmaceutical sciences.
  • Educate and motivate students to be pharmacists and/or outstanding scientists who excel in providing contemporary pharmaceutical care and/or conducting scientific inquiry in a multidisciplinary environment.
  • Develop innovative educational methods that will enrich student learning.
  • Foster and support excellence in research that focuses on drug discovery, drug development, formulation development, general pharmaceutics and pharmacology areas that will bring recognition to the department at regional, national, and international levels.
  • Encourage, mentor, and support faculty when appropriate to seek individual and team research grants, contracts, training grants, teaching grants, and engage in new initiatives and collaborative research at NSU and with other institutions.
  • Serve and support the community and society through outreach, education, and scholarly contributions by faculty and staff.

Sociobehavioral and Administrative Pharmacy

This department's mission is to create and impart knowledge within the social, economic, behavioral, and administrative sciences in pharmacy. Faculty members are committed to the improvement of pharmacy services using the principles, concepts, and tools of economics, management, marketing, policy, public health, and the social and behavioral sciences. They conduct research and teach courses on the following topics:

Pharmacy scientist taking sample using pipette closeup

They conduct research and teach courses on the following topics:

  1. Understanding consumers' and providers' perceptions and behaviors regarding medications and medication use.
  2. Analysis of practitioners' perceptions, attitudes, and behavior which configure the provision of professional services and interventions geared toward improving outcomes to pharmaceutical products.
  3. Design and implementation of public health models and policies conducive to more efficient preventive as well as curative practices.
  4. Identification and assessment of strategies and mechanism which foster a rational allocation of scarce resources in the medication use process.
Student on pharmacy lab

Academic activities proceed along three fields of endeavor: pharmacy services and health care outcomes, pharmacist workforce and education, and patient's decision making and behavior. These activities are developed with emphasis on issues related to diversity, health disparities, and vulnerable populations.

Pharmacy Practice

The Department of Pharmacy Practice is committed to preparing graduates who are not only competent pharmacists, but also excel in providing optimal pharmaceutical care both at the level of individual patient outcomes and for the public health needs of society. The Department achieves this mission through its faculty practitioners who model life-long learning, engage in scholarly research and provide service to the community.  Each faculty member develops a practice site, provides didactic and experiential learning opportunities, and contributes to the scholarly pursuits of the profession. Practice faculty brings a diverse range of specialty practice experience to their academic endeavors. The Department encourages its faculty to pursue areas about which they are passionate, and aims to foster nationally recognized practitioners and pharmacy innovators.

Man getting help form pharmacist

  • Educate and mentor students to be outstanding pharmacists and agents of change, improving patient outcomes and public health.
  • Develop and implement innovative educational methods to enrich student learning.
  • Foster and support excellence in clinical pharmacy and educational research.
  • Encourage faculty to engage in new program project initiatives and collaborative research through the pursuit of individual research grants, contracts, and training grants.
  • Provide postgraduate resident and fellowship training programs.
  • Serve the pharmacy-related needs of society through educational, scholarly and service contributions.
  • Contribute to interprofessional education efforts of the college and university.