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Malav Trivedi

headshot of Malav Trivedi




Pharmaceutical Sciences

Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Nova Southeastern University, Florida, with nearly 10 years of experience in Molecular Pharmacology, Nutrition and Neuropharmacology, Oncology, Epigenetic. Dr. Trivedi is also involved in graduate and undergraduate teaching in the areas of Pharmaceutical lab, Molecular Biology Lab, Epigenetics and Pharmacogenomics. His research interests include characterization of molecular and cellular regulation of epigenetic marks under the effect of different metabolic stressor as well as nutrition in neurological and oncogenic disorders.

B.S. - Pharmacy - North Gujarat University
M.S. -Pharmacology - Northeastern University
Ph.D. - Pharmacology - Northeastern University

Member: Society for Neuroscience; President for the Boston Area Neuroscience Chapter (2012-14)

Member: American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS), Secretary for the Northeastern chapter (2011-12) 

Member: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)

Epigenetic and transcriptional changes in
Neurodevelopmental disorders - Autism
Drug-Addiction and withdrawal
Neurodegenerative diseases - Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
Tumor Biology and microenvironment

Trivedi MS, Deth R. Redox-based epigenetic status in drug addiction: a potential contributor to gene priming and a mechanistic rationale for metabolic intervention. Front Neurosci. 2015 Jan 22;8:444. PMID: 25657617

Milane L, Trivedi M, Singh A, Talekar M, Amiji M. Mitochondrial biology, targets, and drug delivery. J Control Release. 2015 Jun 10;207:40-58. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.03.036. Epub 2015 Apr 1. Review. PMID: 25841699

Salzano G, Navarro G, Trivedi MS, De Rosa G, Torchilin VP. Multifunctional Polymeric Micelles Co-loaded with Anti-Survivin siRNA and Paclitaxel Overcome Drug Resistance in an Animal Model of Ovarian Cancer.. Mol Cancer Ther. 2015 Apr;14(4):1075-84.MCT-14-0556. Epub 2015 Feb 5. PMID: 25657335

Essex S, Navarro G, Sabhachandani P, Chordia A, Trivedi M, Movassaghian S, Torchilin VP. Phospholipidmodified PEI-based nanocarriers for in vivo siRNA therapeutics against multidrug-resistant tumors. Gene Ther. 2015 Mar;22(3):41-50. Epub 2014 Oct 30. PMID: 25354685

Trivedi M, Shah J, Hodgson N, Byun HM, Deth R. Morphine induces redox-based changes in global DNA methylation and retrotransposon transcription by inhibition of excitatory amino acid transporter type 3- mediated cysteine uptake. Mol Pharmacol. 85(5):747-57 (2014).

Trivedi MS, Shah JS, Al-Mughairy S, Hodgson NW, Simms B, Trooskens GA, Van Criekinge W, Deth RC. Food-derived opioid peptides inhibit cysteine uptake with redox and epigenetic consequences. J Nutr Biochem. 25(10):1011-8 (2014).

Hodgson N,Trivedi M, Muratore C, Li S, Deth R. Soluble oligomers of amyloid-β cause changes in redox state, DNA methylation, and gene transcription by inhibiting EAAT3 mediated cysteine uptake. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013;36(1):197-209. PMID: 23579332

Muratore CR, Hodgson NW, Trivedi MS, Abdolmaleky HM, Persico AM, Lintas C, De la Monte S, Deth RC. Age-dependent decrease and alternative splicing of methionine synthase mRNA in human cerebral cortex and an accelerated decrease in autism. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e56927. Epub 2013 Feb 20. PMID: 23437274

Movassaghian S, Moghimi HR, Shirazi FH, Koshkaryev A, Trivedi MS, Torchilin VP.Efficient downregulation of PKC-α gene expression in A549 lung cancer cells mediated by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides in dendrosomes. Int J Pharm. 2013 Jan 30;441(1-2):82-91. Epub 2012 Dec 20. PMID: 23262426

Waly MI, Hornig M, Trivedi M, Hodgson N, Kini R, Ohta A, Deth R. Prenatal and Postnatal Epigenetic Programming: Implications for GI, Immune, and Neuronal Function in Autism. Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:190930. Epub 2012 Jun 19. PMID: 22934169

Trivedi MS, Deth RC. Role of a redox-based methylation switch in mRNA life cycle (pre- and posttranscriptional maturation) and protein turnover: implications in neurological disorders. Front Neurosci. 2012 Jun 26;6:92.. eCollection 2012. PMID: 22740813