Our Faculty and Staff

Enrique Nieves, B.S, M.S, Ph.D

Enrique Nieves


Clinical Assistant Professor


Professional Programs


Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy


San Juan - Puerto Rico

As former Director of R&D in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr E. Nieves led the development of many drugs available in the U.S market today. He has been a key participant in the technology transfer and NDA filling processes of new drugs. He is an active chemist and pharmacist, and a member of various professional chemical and pharmaceutical organizations. He initiated research in nanosystems at the College of Pharmacy at Nova Southeastern University which has produced some patents in three years and has stimulated student research in this field. Dr. Nieves‘s research interests include the application of nanotechnology in the development of novel molecular carrier systems and new drug design. He developed a linear miniaturization method for efficient technology transfer which he currently uses in drug development.

Students at the Puerto Rico site who take the course PHA5999 coordinated by Dr. B. Albensi in Davie will gain hands on experience in drug discovery and development in the R&D Laboratory managed by Dr. E. Nieves. The students will work in different phases of the new product process. Studies include drug characterization, drug-excipient compatibility, stability studies, pre-formulation, dosage form design and evaluation, and others. The students will learn about analytical techniques and pharmaceutical technologies used in manufacturing and compounding.
Contact information: Dr. Blanca Ortiz, blortiz@nova.edu Dr. Enrique Nieves, nenrique@nova.edu Dr. Benedict Albensi, balbensi@nova.edu

Date Posted: 05/18/2022

Research Interests keywords:
Stabilization of peptides and protein drugs, drug delivery of large molecules, drug-dendrimer interactions, clinical pharmaceutics applied to metabolic diseases.