Our Faculty and Staff

Jean Latimer, B.A., Ph.D.

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Director - AutoNation Institute/Associate Professor




Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy


Fort Lauderdale/Davie

My laboratory has developed a number of important in vitro models related to the human breast and breast cancer. My background in developmental biology and murine embryonic stem cells has allowed my laboratory to establish a tissue engineering system that involves multiple autologous cell types from the non-diseased breast. We have established 48/48 reduction mammoplasty extended explants,12 of which are from African American patients. This system culminates in an organotypic breast epithelial/myoepithelial ductal system in vitro, after one month, over a field of stromal fibroblasts. We utilize a rich serum-containing medium based upon embryonic stem cell culture called MWRI. Tumors can also be placed into the same system although we perform this without any stromal contamination. Tumors do not form normal ductal architecture in this system but we have a successfully created over 55 human breast tumor cell explants (<13 passage) and cell lines (>13 passages) from tumors of stages 0-IV at an 85% success rate. Thirteen triple negative tumors have been successfully cultured as explants from European white and African American patients. We published a landmark paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science involving 19 stage I tumors as primary explants and loss of functional DNA repair. Both types of cultures (non diseased and malignant) contain stem cell populations shown in a paper published in Stem Cells. Our goal is to use these tumor cultures for drug development and discovery. Our goal for the non-diseased breast cultures is to use them as a model system for environmental chemical assessment.

Dr. Jean Latimer's Research Team: Breast Cancer and Leukemia

Loss of Nucleotide Excision Repair in Breast Cancer Etiology Cancer Prevention: Testing of xeno-estrogens and mutagens from consumer products with human breast organotypic model system Epigenetic acquisition of high Nucleotide excision repair in advanced stage breast cancers and in breast cancer stem cells

womens' health, breast cancer, DNA repair, environmental causes of human cancer, autism, microRNA drug discovery for advanced stage cancer