Our Faculty and Staff

David Gazze, Ph.D.

David Gazze


Clinical Assistant Professor


Pharmaceutical Sciences


Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy


Fort Lauderdale/Davie

Dr. David Gazze received his doctorate in Medicinal Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh in 1987. Following graduation he became a faculty member at Southeastern College of Pharmacy, which is currently known as Nova Southeastern College of Pharmacy (NSU-COP). Dr. Gazze is primarily an instructor at NSU-COP, and has had a hand in teaching members of every graduating class in the College of Pharmacy since its inception. He has been selected as “Teacher of the Year” by his students ten times. Dr. Gazze’s research involves eliciting the mechanism of action of agents used in the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. He also is interested in drug development utilizing molecular graphics.