Research Interests: Molecular pharmacology, physiology and biology of G protein-coupled (heptahelical or seven transmembrane-spanning) receptors; Heart Failure; Cardiovascular Disease; Neurohormonal control of the Circulation; Adrenal Physiology and Pharmacology; Receptors for Adrenaline and Noradrenaline; Catecholamines; Receptors for Angiotensin II; Signal Transduction; Gene Therapy; Transgenic mice and rats; Aldosterone production regulation; Regulation of Adrenergic and Angiotensin Receptors; G protein-coupled receptor Kinases; Beta-Arrestins; Novel "Biased" G protein-coupled Receptor Ligands; Epicardial fat; Atrial Fibrillation; RGS proteins.

Video: Dr. Lymperopoulos`s Lab Team Presents:

Awesome Cardiovascular (Student) Research

dr lymperopoulos lab team group photo

Left to right: S. Wertz, J. Pereyra, K. Ferraino, C. Pollard, Dr. Lymperopoulos, A. Perez, R. Valiente, N. Cora, J. Ghandour.

dr lymperopoulos lab team at restaurant

Clockwise from left: N. Cora, Dr. Lymperopoulos, A. Sizova, R. Valiente, A. Carbone, K. Ferraino, J. Borges

  1. Regulation by adrenal G protein-coupled receptor kinases & beta-arrestins of catecholamine (i.e. adrenaline & noradrenaline) production by the adrenal gland in heart failure
  2. Regulation by adrenal G protein-coupled receptor kinases & beta-arrestins of aldosterone production by the adrenal cortex in heart failure and hypertension
  3. Exploration of strategies (involving G protein-coupled receptor kinases & beta-arrestins) to increase cardiac function by enhancing beta2-adrenergic receptor signaling and function in the cardiac muscle
  4. Role of beta-arrestin-dependent angiotensin II-aldosterone axis in regulation of function of stem cells used for heart failure therapy
  5. Development of novel beta-arrestin "biased" agonist and antagonist drugs for angiotensin II type 1 receptors
  6. Role of adrenal beta-arrestin-dependent angiotensin II-aldosterone axis in hypertension and stroke
  7. Role of lung beta-arrestin in glucocorticoid receptor function with implications for asthma drug therapy
  8. Molecular mechanisms of epicardial fat involvement in atrial fibrillation

Dr. Lymperopoulos is also collaborating with the University Federico II in Naples, Italy (Dr. Rengo`s & Dr. Leosco`s groups), Temple University in Philadelphia, PA (Dr. Koch`s group), the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL (Dr. Sumner`s group), and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (Dr. Hare`s group).

  1. Provisional patent entitled: "Adrenal GRK2 Activity as a Therapeutic Target for Heart Failure", Patent ID: KOC_WAL.001, Inventors: Lymperopoulos, A. & Koch, W.J.
  2. US Patent No. 10,172,907 for: “Methods and Compositions for Therapeutic Modulation of Aldosterone Levels In Heart Disease”, issued by USPTO on 01/08/2019. Inventors: Lymperopoulos, A. & Koch, W.J.J.
  3. Provisional Patent Application entitled: “Methods and Compositions for Treatment of Heart Failure”. Application #: 62128335. Inventors: Lymperopoulos, A.

  1. Lymperopoulos, A., Bathgate, A. Pharmacogenomics of the heptahelical receptor regulators G-protein-coupled receptor kinases and arrestins: the known and the unknown. Pharmacogenomics 13: 323-341 (2012).
  2. Lymperopoulos, A. Beta-arrestin Biased Agonism/Antagonism at Cardiovascular Seven Transmembrane- spanning Receptors. Curr. Pharm. Des. 18: 192-198 (2012).
  3. Lymperopoulos, A., Rengo, G., Koch, W.J. GRK2 Inhibition in Heart Failure: Something Old, Something New. Curr. Pharm. Des. 18: 186-191 (2012).
  4. Lymperopoulos, A., Rengo, G., Zincarelli, C., Kim, J., Koch, W.J. Adrenal ß-arrestin 1 inhibition in vivo attenuates post-myocardial infarction progression to heart failure and adverse remodeling via reduction of circulating aldosterone levels. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 57: 356-365 (2011)
  5. Nguyen, K., Kassimatis, T., Lymperopoulos, A. Impaired desensitization of a human polymorphic alpha2B-adrenergic receptor variant enhances its sympatho-inhibitory activity in chromaffin cells. Cell Commun. Signal. 9: 5 (2011)
  6. Lymperopoulos, A., Rengo, G., Gao, E., Ebert, S.N., Dorn, G.W. 2nd, Koch, W.J. Reduction of sympathetic activity via adrenal-targeted GRK2 gene deletion attenuates heart failure progression and improves cardiac function after myocardial infarction. J. Biol. Chem. 285: 16378-16386 (2010)
  7. Lymperopoulos, A., Rengo, G., Zincarelli, C., Kim, J., Soltys, S., Koch W.J. An adrenal β-arrestin 1-mediated signaling pathway underlies angiotensin II-induced aldosterone production in vitro and in vivo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106: 5825-5830 (2009)
  8. Rengo, G., Lymperopoulos, A., Zincarelli, C., Donniacuo, M., Soltys, S., Rabinowitz, J.E., Koch W.J. Myocardial adeno-associated virus serotype 6-betaARKct gene therapy improves cardiac function and normalizes the neurohormonal axis in chronic heart failure. Circulation 119: 89-98 (2009)
  9. Lymperopoulos, A., Rengo, G., Funakoshi, H., Eckhart, A.D., Koch, W.J. Adrenal GRK2 upregulation mediates sympathetic overdrive in heart failure. Nat. Med. 13: 315-323 (2007). Note: This journal ("Nature Medicine") is the top primary research journal in Medicine (Research and Experimental), with an "Impact Factor" of 27.553 (based on 2008 ISI Journal Citation Reports).

  • Lymperopoulos, A., and Koch, W.J. Autonomic Pharmacology. In Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Principles to Practice (1st edn) (Waldman, S.A. and Terzic, A., eds), pp. 115-139, Saunders/Elsevier, ISBN: 978-1-4160-3291-5 (2009)
  • Lymperopoulos, A., and Bathgate, A. Arrestins in the Cardiovascular System. In The Molecular Biology of Arrestins (Luttrell, L.M., Editor), part of the "Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science" Series, Elsevier, Inc. (in press, expected publication in 2013)
  • Editor of the textbook: “The Cardiovascular Adrenergic System”, ISBN: 978-3-319-13679-0 (Print), 978-3-319-13680-6 (Online), Copyright: 2015, Publisher: Springer International Publishing
  • Lymperopoulos, A., and French, F. Pharmacogenomics of Heart Failure. In Qing Yan (Editor): Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development, 2nd Edition, Methods in Molecular Biology-Springer Protocols, UK: Humana Press, 2014, pp. 245-257 (2014)

  • Scientist Development Grant (SDG) from the American Heart Association`s (AHA) National Center, entitled: "Role of adrenal beta-arrestin-1 in angiotensin II-induced aldosterone production in post-infarct heart failure" (Award ID: 09SDG2010138), Principal Investigator: A. Lymperopoulos, PhD, FAHA
  • HPD Research Grant: "Role of beta-arrestin-1 in aldosterone production from adrenocortical cells", Duration: 10/01/2011-09/30/2012, Principal Investigator: A. Lymperopoulos, PhD, FAHA
  • Nova Southeastern University`s President's Faculty Research & Development Grant (PFRDG)-FY 2014 (NSU intramural grant) entitled: “Angiotensin receptor blockers & beta-arrestin-dependent aldosterone production” (Award ID: PFRDG 335320), Duration: 08/01/2013-07/31/2014, Principal Investigator: A. Lymperopoulos, PhD, FAHA
  • R01 #HL155718-01 (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-NHLBI): “Trans-omic analysis of epicardial adipose tissue in atrial fibrillation”; Co-PI (via subcontract with Univ. of Miami; PI: Jeffrey Goldberger, Univ. of Miami).

Contact Tassos (Anastasios) Lymperopoulos