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Here are some examples of careers.

Hospital Pharmacy


Ambulatory care pharmacy practice is the provision of integrated, accessible health care services by pharmacists who are accountable for addressing medication needs, developing sustained partnerships with patients, and practicing in the context of family and community. This is accomplished through direct patient care and medication management for ambulatory patients, long-term relationships, coordination of care, patient advocacy, wellness and health promotion, triage and referral, and patient education and self-management. The ambulatory care pharmacists may work in both an institutional and community-based clinic involved in direct care of a diverse patient population. Ambulatory care pharmacists work in a variety of environments in both hospital and community-based settings. Each site has its own unique practice style and may focus on primary care or focus on one specific disease state.
Ambulatory Care Practice (PDF)



Managed Care Pharmacy is the development and application of evidence-based medication use strategies that enhance patient and population health outcomes while optimizing health care resources. Managed care pharmacy professionals — including pharmacists, physicians and nurses — typically work for a health plan, pharmacy benefit management companies, accountable care organizations, integrated delivery systems and other managed care organizations. They perform many functions, including: Develop and implement evidence-based clinical programs and medication therapy management (MTM) programs and services, design pharmacy benefits for health plans manage quality and cost effectiveness, communicate and collaborate with patients, prescribers, and pharmacists, and institute practices and processes that detect unsafe medicines to ensure patient safety.
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
Managed Care Outpatient Pharmacy

Institutional Pharmacy


Pharmacists have the opportunity to play an integral role in an emergency department (ED) setting. The emergency department is a high-risk environment with frequent medication-related errors, creating a unique position for pharmacists to optimize patient care. Pharmacists in the ED may provide both clinical and distributary services. Appropriate patient management in the ED requires critical care and ambulatory care skills, drug information, emergency preparedness and toxicology. This ED rotation provides students with the opportunity to work in a high-stress, high-volume setting with an interdisciplinary medical team to improve patient care.
Emergency Pharmacist (EPh): Role of EPh (PDF presentation)



Community pharmacy is often seen as an excellent opportunity to conduct basic preliminary health assessments of patients. Quick evaluation of symptoms, laboratory values, and other indicators can be helpful in directing patients’ therapy, especially as the community pharmacists’ role in overall patient care continues to expand, such as by providing immunizations and medication therapy management (MTM) services.
Chain Community Pharmacy



Pharmacists working in industry are often referred to as pharmaceutics experts. These experts will often determine how to best manufacture a drug on a large scale once it is approved. Issues such as viscosity, temperature degradation, storage, and efficacy are all components manufacturers must keep in mind to not only be profitable, but safe. Pharmacists are uniquely qualified to provide insight into all of these topics. Often considered a math heavy field.



The various armed forces employ pharmacists as well. Typically, a student will need to have 2- 3 years of work experience before enlisting and will be required to complete a 5-week training program to become an officer. Students are expected to have a 3.0 GPA, and residencies are available similar to those found in a hospital, though of course they are competitive spots. Pharmacists in the navy will not only work domestically at various naval bases, but can be deployed across the world and on aircraft carriers. Residencies are fully paid, instead of a portion of typical pay often seen in hospitals, with most pharmacists earning roughly 130k/yearly. Full benefits are available for those that complete their service as any serviceman would receive.